The Armies of Immianthe

Armies of Immianthe

Immianthe the Medusa is one of the Daughters of the Ssanu, the serpent-folk of old, and has harbored a hatred against the elves since ancient times. For centuries she has slowly bided her time among the ruins of Annalysorian, using her spies to infiltrate the Vale and spy on the kingdoms of men and elves. With the armies of beastmen now pouring into the Vale, this seems as good a time as any to make her move.

Settlements and Garrisons

Annalysorian (032,008) – Ruin

  • 4 companies of 120 Lizardmen Light Infantry/each (5 darts, spiked club, shield), each commanded by a 6 HD chieftain
  • 2 companies of 120 Lizardmen Heavy Infantry/each (3 javelins, spiked club, shield, leather), each commanded by a 6 HD chieftain
  • 2 Basilisks

Special Rules

The Armies of Immianthe cannot occupy captured settlements. Instead, they may spend 3 days reducing them to rubble, at which point they become Ruins. Ruins may be “Infested” by the Armies of Immianthe, at which point Lizard- and Serpent- monsters (all who the Ssanu once ruled) will begin to gravitate towards Immianthe and her commanders.

Immianthe begins the game infesting the ruins of Annalysorian.

Reinforcements: Once per week, 1d4 units or monsters (50% chance of each) appear in each Ruin that Immianthe and her hoards have infested (anywhere there is a 5 HD+ leader). 

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