Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Winter War: February 2

Day: February 2

Weather: 7 (Fair - no impediments to visibility or movement)

Initiative Order for the week:

  1. Armies of Immianthe
  2. Men of Hambley
  3. Principality of Oraving
  4. Wood Elves of Arbelladon
  5. The Beastman Hordes

Troop Movements

The victorious Lizardmen at 031,005 withdraw to Annalysorian with their captives. 

Lizardmen Light Infantry move from 029,010 to 028,011, holding their position. 

A company of Lizardmen Heavy Infantry advance from 033,006 to 033,005 and lay siege to the Temple of Nora-To.

The Hambley Light Infantry garrisoning the Temple of Nora-To and the Hambley Light Cavalry descend upon the Lizardmen Heavy Infantry at 033,005, attempting a pincer movement. A battle is fought.

In Fort Arbelving, the defenders begin rallying the surrounding citizens and prepare to defend the fort against a siege.

Ships carrying the Hand of Law (Heavy Infantry) reach the northern end of the Lake today (031,011) and will be able to disembark tomorrow.

The Sundamar Militia harry the large force of Beastmen occupying the Necropolis, but the Boar Riders of Ironburg ride out against them, and the Militia are unable to withdraw in time. A battle is fought.

The large force massed at 026,019 splits in two, with the Crusader Pilgrims advancing to 027,017. The White Legion (Heavy Infantry), 1 company of the Red Legion (Heavy Infantry), and 1 company of Heavy Cataphracts (Cataphract Cavalry) advance as far as 026,016. 

The Red Legion tasked to clear out the catacombs at 027,021 finishes doing so. Rumor is they have also unearthed an artefact of great power...

The victorious Goblin wolf riders surround Fort Arbelving, doing their best to cut off any communications or supplies to the fort. 

Battle Outcomes

The Battle of Nora-To (033,005)

Force 1: Lizardmen Heavy Infantry (1 company of Lizardmen Heavy Infantry)

  • BR: 7.5
  • Officer: 6 HD Lizardman Chieftain | LA 5 SA 0 MM +2
Force 2: Hambley Light Infantry (1 company of Light Infantry), Hambley Light Cavalry (1 company of Light Cavalry)
  • BR: 4.5
  • Officer: 3rd Level Human Fighter - Level Human Fighter - STR: 8 INT: 12 WIS: 13 DEX: 10 CON: 13 CHA: 14 (+1) | LA 6 SA 1 MM +2
  • Lieutenant: 3rd Level Human Ranger - STR: 12 INT: 11 WIS: 15 DEX: 16 CON: 13 CHA: 15 (+2) | LA 7
The Lizardmen are taken by surprise thanks to the cunning woodcraft of the Men of Hambley. 

Surprise round: The Lizardmen are taken totally off-guard by the sudden courage of the Men of Hambley, losing more than half their forces in the initial assault (new BR: 3.5). They waver as they attempt to regroup in the dizzying maze of trees that is the Trollwood.

Round 1: The Lizardmen fail to regroup, suffering further casualties (new BR 1.5) thanks to the swift-moving light cavalry and the expert woodcraft of the Hambley Rangers. At this point, their commander decides to withdraw from the woods, if possible, however they are unable to outmaneuver the Hambley Light Cavalry. Outmaneuvered and outnumbered, the remaining Lizardmen break and route, only to be mopped up by the men of Hambley. The cries of lizardmen echo through the Trollwood into the night.

Outcome: Total victory for the Men of Hambley. Casualties: 60 Lizardmen slain, 60 Lizardmen wounded or scattered.

Skirmish near the Necropolis (027,016)

Force 1: Sundamar Militia (1 Company of 120 Untrained Conscripts/Militia)
BR: 0.5
Officer: 3rd Level Human Fighter - STR: 13 INT: 7 WIS: 11  DEX: 8 CON: 15 CHA: 16 (+2) | LA 7

Force 2: Orc Boar Riders (1 Company of 60 Orc Boar Riders)
BR: 8
Officer: 5 HD Orc Chieftain | LA 4 SA 0 MM +2

The Orc Boar Riders outflank the untrained Sundamar Militia and take them by surprise.

Surprise round: The Boar Riders descend upon the Sundamar Militia, completely destroying them before the latter can muster.

Outcome: Total victory for the Beastmen Hordes. Casualties: 60 men slain, 60 taken as slaves.

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