Day: February 1
Weather: 8 (Fair - no impediments to visibility or movement)
Initiative Order for the week:
- Armies of Immianthe
- Men of Hambley
- Principality of Oraving
- Wood Elves of Arbelladon
- The Beastman Hordes
Troop Movements
A unit of Lizardman Light Infantry are spotted at 029,010, scouting the area.
A unit of Lizardman Light Infantry enter the Trollwood at 031,005.
A unit of Lizardmen Heavy Infantry are seen entering the Valley of Nora-To at 033,006.
One unit of Heavy Infantry and one unit of Light Infantry move into the Trollwood from Fort Hambley, patrolling it. They encounter the unit of Lizardmen Light Infantry at 031,005. Neither side is surprised. A battle is fought.
A unit of Light Infantry move from Hambley to the Temple of Nora-To to garrison it against attack.
One unit of Light Cavalry moves from Hambley and patrols the Valley of Nora-To. It encounters the Lizardmen Heavy Infantry at 033,006. Neither side is surprised. The Light Cavalry keep their distance, shadowing the Lizardmen as the latter move towards the wood.
Militia from Sundamar move to 026,016.
Light Infantry from Fort Arbelving and Militia from Ardyle move to 027,011 to scout.
The Hand of Law (Heavy Infantry) from the Citadel of the Eye of Law embark on the Lake and begin sailing north.
Four companies of Crusader pilgrims (Militia), The White Legion (Heavy Infantry), 1 company of the Red Legion (Heavy Infantry), and 1 company of Heavy Cataphracts (Cataphract Cavalry) muster at 026,019.
A company of the Red Legion (Heavy Infantry) move into the Ruins Near Oraving (027,021). The ruins are sunken catacombs, infested by satyrs and minotaurs. It will take the crack troops of the Red Legion only a day to clear it out.
A band of Elven light infantry depart Arbelladon, sailing north along the lake.
Ironburg vomits out hordes of beastmen as four companies move out from it to occupy the ruined necropolis at 027,016. The massive force of beastmen passes through 026,016 and encounter the Sundamar Militia, but the militia withdraw as ordered, harassing the flank of the beastmen as they move into the ruins. Thus harassed, the beastmen are unable to focus on searching the ruins this day.
The full force of goblins (three companies of goblin infantry, one company of goblin wolf-riders) moves out from the Slave Market, intending to besiege Fort Arbelving. They meet the Fort Arbelving Garrison and Ardyle Militia in the woods at 027,011, and are completely surprised by them. Managing to outflank the goblin force, the men take advantage of the opportunity. A battle is fought.
Battle Outcomes
The Battle of the Trollwood - Battle at 031,005
Force 1: Lizardmen Light Infantry (1 Company of Lizardmen Light Infantry)
BR: 4.5
Officer: 6 HD Lizardman Chieftain | LA 5 SA 0 MM +2
Force 2: 1 Company of Heavy Infantry, 1 Company of Light Infantry
BR: 3
Officer: 5th Level Human Fighter - STR: 8 INT: 12 WIS: 13 DEX: 10 CON: 13 CHA: 14 (+1) | LA 6 SA 1 MM +2
Lieutenant: 3rd Level Human Ranger - STR: 12 INT: 11 WIS: 15 DEX: 16 CON: 13 CHA: 15 (+2) | LA 7
First round: The numerically superior Men of Hambley engage the Lizardmen Light Infantry, but the Hambley Light Infantry are routed almost immediately by the fierce, primaeval warriors. The Hambley Heavy Infantry manage to keep together, withdrawing in good order back to the protection of the stockade of Fort Hambley.
Outcome: Victory for the Armies of Immianthe. Casualties: 60 Hambley Light Infantry dead, 60 Hambley Light Infantry captured as slaves.
The Battle of Arbelving Wood - Battle at 027,011
Force 1: Fort Arbelving Garrison and Ardyle Militia (1 Company of 120 Light Infantry C (Great Axe, Leather), 1 Company of 120 Untrained Conscripts/Militia).
Battle Rating: 1.5
Officer: 5th Level Human Fighter - STR: 14 INT: 12 WIS: 14 DEX: 10 CON: 14 CHA: 14 (+1) | LA 6 SA 1 MM +2
Lieutenant: 3rd Level Human Fighter - STR: 13 INT: 7 WIS: 11 DEX: 8 CON: 15 CHA: 16 (+2) | LA 7
Force 2: Goblin Army (3 Companies of Goblin Infantry, 1 Company of Goblin Wolf-Riders).
Battle Rating: 8
Officer: 5 HD Goblin Wolf Rider Chieftain | LA 4 SA 0 MM +2
Lieutenants: 3 5 HD Goblin Chieftains | LA 4
First round: The goblins are ambushed, and 2 companies of goblin infantry are destroyed or scattered at the outset of the battle. Wavering, the numerically superior goblins desperately try to rally amid the trees.
Second round: Inconclusive fighting beneath the trees as the goblins rally.
Third round: Inconclusive fighting beneath the trees.
Fourth round: The Fort Arbelving Garrison destroy the remaining goblin infantry and kill many of the Wolf-Riders, but the Wolf-Riders smash through the line of the Ardyle Militia, scattering them. The Fort Arbelving Garrison withdraws in good order to the protection of the fort.
Outcome: Victory for the Goblin Army. Casualties: 180 Goblin infantry dead, 180 Goblin infantry wounded or scattered. 60 Ardyle Militia dead, 60 Ardyle militia captured as slaves by the Goblin Wolf-Riders.
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