Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Winter War: February 22

Day: February 22

Weather: 9 (Light Rain - Troop movement reduced by 1/4th except on lake)

Initiative Order for the week

  1. The Principality of Oraving
  2. Beastman Hordes
  3. Undead Legions
  4. Men of Hambley
  5. Wood Elves of Arbelladon

Troop Movements

The Slingers from the Abbey of Igolb cross the lake to the Bronzeborn Mine.

1 Company of Medium Cavalry from the Abbey of Igolb join with the Hesper Crusader Cavalry at 028,013, attempting to flush Trazynel the Vampire Lord out of the Wraithwood with fire, but as yet to no avail.

1 Company of slingers from Hriving moves to Oraving to reinforce it.

2 Companies of Militia at 027,018 move to Hriving to reinforce it.

The cavalry massed at 027,018, together with Crusader cavalry from the Citadel, move to 030,020.

A great force of Beastmen (1 company of 60 Slave Infantry led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain, 1 company of 120 Orc Bowmen led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain, 1 company of 120 Gnoll Heavy Infantry, led by a 6 HD Gnoll Chieftain, 2 Companies of 120 Gnoll Light Infantry, 1 Company of 120 Bugbear Heavy Infantry, 1 Company of Goblin Slingers) issue out of the Ironburg and march on the Citadel of Law, attacking it. They are joined by the Beastman and Slave cavalry who manage to avoid the cavalry of the men of Oraving, recross the lake, and attack the Citadel of the Eye of Law from the other side. A battle is fought.

Trazynel emerges from the southern eaves of the Wraithwood, now accompanied by his Spectres and Wight as well as 60 Wolves, 120 Bats, and a company of massed vermin from the forest. His forces make it as far as the Necropolis (027,016).

Armed with the Scepter of Vassuyrn, the Elven horse archers leave the Men of Oraving and depart to 029,021, and begin using the powers of the Scepter to raise an army of woodland creatures to their aid. The elves at the Abbey of Igolb, meanwhile, quietly disband to take their chances in the forest.

As Beastmen harry the dwindling forces of Law in the Vale, a Red Dragon is spotted flying over the Lake.

Battle Resolutions

The Siege of the Citadel of the Eye of Law (028,018)

Force 1: The Men of the Citadel of the Eye of Law - Total BR: 11.5 (18.5 in siege)

  • 3 companies of 120 Militia/each, each led by a Level 5 Human Fighter - BR 1.5 (+3 in siege)
  • 1 Company of 120 Crusader Heavy Infantry led by a Level 5 Human Cleric - BR 2 (+1 in siege)
  • 2 Companies of 120 Dwarven Heavy Infantry A each, commanded by a 7th Level Human Fighter - BR 6 (+2 in Siege)
  • 1 Company of 120 Crusader Heavy Infantry led by a Level 5 Human Cleric - BR 2 (+1 in Siege)
  • Officer: Level 7 Human Fighter | LA 5 SA 1 MM +1
Force 2: The Beastmen Hordes - Total BR: 38.84 (26.125 without breach)
  • 1 company of 60 goblin Wolf Riders (spear, short sword, shield, leather, dire wolf), led by a 5 HD chieftain - BR 6.5 (BR reduced to 1.625 without breach)
  • 1 company of 60 Orc Boar Riders (spear, scimitar, shield, scale, giant boar), led by the Fang of Vassuryn - BR 8 (BR reduced to 2 without breach)
  • 1 company of 31 Slave Cataphracts led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain - BR 3.84 (BR reduced to 1 without breach)
  • 1 company of 60 Slave Infantry led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain - BR 1
  • 1 company of 120 Orc Bowmen led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain - BR 1
  • 1 company of 120 Gnoll Heavy Infantry, led by a 6 HD Gnoll Chieftain - BR 4 (half company lost)
  • 2 Companies of 120 Gnoll Light Infantry - BR 6 (1 company lost)
  • 1 Company of 120 Bugbear Heavy Infantry - BR 8
  • 1 Company of Goblin Slingers - BR 0.5
    • 6 Battering Rams - 1 BR
  • Officer: The Fang of Vassuryn | LA 7 SA 2 MM +2

Surprise: The Beastman Hordes surprise the men of the Citadel.

Surprise Round: The Beastmen Hordes descend with fury upon the Citadel, storming its gates and dealing 5 BR of damage before the defenders are able to sound the alarm and put the Overlord's defensive plan into place. This gives the Beastmen Hordes control of the gates, allowing the Orc Boar Riders to ride through mounted.

Round 1: Rallying, the defenders inflict 8 BR of damage as the Beastmen press through the streets of the citadel, using caltrops, boiling oil, and anything else they can to slow the advance of the monsters. It isn't enough to stem the tide of sheer numbers, however, as the Beastmen are able to deal 9 BR of damage, driving the defenders back to the high place of the Citadel -- a temple on steep ground that does not allow the Beastmen to deploy their cavalry.

Round 2: The remaining defenders defend the central citadel to the last man, or dwarf, dealing 1 BR of damage before they are overwhelmed by the savage ferocity of the Beastmen.

Outcome: Beastman Victory.

Casualties: 180 Militia killed, 120 Heavy Infantry killed, 120 Dwarves killed. 180 Militia enslaved, 120 Heavy Infantry enslaved, 120 Dwarves enslaved. 60 Goblin Slingers killed, 60 Goblin Slingers wounded. 30 Slave Heavy Infantry killed, 30 Slave Heavy Infantry wounded. 60 Orc Bowmen killed, 60 Orc Bowmen wounded. 60 Gnoll Light Infantry killed, 60 Gnoll Light infantry wounded. 30 Gnoll Heavy Infantry killed, 30 Gnoll Heavy Infantry wounded.

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