Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Winter War: February 8

Day: February 8

Weather: 8 (Clear - Muddy roads mean that movement is still reduced by 1/4th)

Initiative Order for the week:

  1. Armies of Immianthe
  2. The Undead Legions
  3. Men of Hambley
  4. The Beastman Hordes
  5. Principality of Oraving
  6. Wood Elves of Arbelladon

Troop Movements

1 company of 120 Lizardmen Light Infantry move from Annalysorian to 030,009.

The Lizardfolk at Fort Arbelving complete their task of reducing it to a Ruin.

The Undead legions continue to grow in power in the Necropolis, but as yet there has been no further movement from them.

Horse Archers from Shantytown move to meet up with the Light Cavalry patrolling the Nora-To Valley.

The Beastmen Hordes, fresh from the sack of Ardyle, march to the Ironburg and attempt to retake it, just as the sackers of the Ironburg were issuing out to attempt to set an ambush for them. A battle is fought.

1 Company of 120 Elven Light Infantry move from Hriving to fortify the Citadel of the Eye of Law.

The company of Elven Heavy Infantry on the Eastern Shore moves to 033,014.

Elven ships are once again seen moving up the lake from Arbelladon.

In the pass above Ironburg (024,015), a crusading force appears, their banners showing the heraldry of Hesper, the Neutral-aligned God of Death. They are in number:

  • 1 unit of 120 Light Infantry, led by a Level 5 Fighter
  • 1 unit of 60 Medium Cavalry, led by a Level 5 Fighter
  • 1 unit of 120 Bowmen, led by a Level 5 Fighter
  • 1 unit of 60 Cataphract Cavalry, led by a Level 7 Cleric
  • 2 units of 120 Heavy Infantry/each, each led by a Level 7 Cleric
Responding to messages for help from Oraving, the High Abbot has ridden with a force of crusaders he was already mustering when the Undead Uprising was detected at the Necropolis. He offers to assist the Overlord with his Undead problems, in exchange for 6 hexes of land on which he may build a glorious cathedral and monastery dedicated to Hesper. Additionally, he expects the Overlord to build a great cathedral in Oraving at his own expense. 

The Overlord's reply: 

I, who have long seen through the Eye of Law, have at last heard the tongue of Hesper, and grievous is its hearing. Evil days are these when the brothers of men ride not for love of kin, but naming their price, and one so dear as half their brother's patrimony! It was not always so in the days of my fathers, who carved this foothold in the valley against the bones of the orc and the teeth of the snake, and made safe the flank of the ultramontane folk. Among the people of the Eye of Law, it was not even so yesterday, when the men of the valley spent their lives fearlessly, aye, and the lives of their sons to, to break the power of the Underlords, the very fiends who unleashed undeath. With my own hands I dealt them the sorest stroke, wresting from them the Ironburg; never again will that abyss vomit forth its demons, and for long generations may the folk beyond the mountains sleep in peace because of it! It was not the priests of Hesper, but the priest of the Eye, who scoured the Slave Pits. It was the Priest of the Eye who slew the Basilisk and still stands defiant as the Bane of Immianthe! 

Bitter indeed is the tongue of Hesper, speaking through the mouth of one who I had hoped to speak sweet words of friendship! But the pride of Oraving is humbled and the flower of her chivalry has gone to their tombs, so it must be as you say. I, loving my people, and our pleasant meadows, our fair towers, and the bright shores of the Lake, shall not stake them on vainglory. I will not haggle with thee, except this: against more than just the Undead must your valiant arms be turned! The shambolic horde is but one of our foes, and the least numerous. If the gnoll and the goblin are not slain at last, and the Serpent of Immianthe not cleft and cast into the dirt, there will be not a foot of land in the Vale spared for the Sons of Men, nor undefiled stone to build your temple. Only then, having won with us the peace of the Vale, Hesper be rightly praised by the living lips therein.


  • 4 more spectres are raised in the Necropolis.
Battle Outcomes

The Second Battle of the Ironburg (025,016)

Force 1: 1 company of 60 goblin Wolf Riders (spear, short sword, shield, leather, dire wolf), led by a 5 HD chieftain, 1 company of 60 Orc Boar Riders (spear, scimitar, shield, scale, giant boar), led by the Fang of Vassuryn, 1 company of 120 Slave Infantry led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain, 1 company of 120 Orc Bowmen led by a 5 HD Orc Chieftain
  • BR: 16.5
  • Leader: The Fang of Vassuryn (Sentient Sword): LA 7 SA 2 MM +2

Force 2: 1 Company of 45 Heavy Cataphracts of Oraving led by a Level 7 Human Fighter wielding the Scepter of Vassuryn (a Trident of Command, enemy forces suffer -2 Morale). 1 Company of the Red Legion (120 Heavy Infantry) led by a Level 7 Fighter.
  • BR: 7.5
  • Officer: Level 7 Human Fighter - STR: 14 INT: 13 WIS: 11  DEX: 5 CON: 7 CHA: 11 - LA 5 SA 1 MM +1
Neither side is surprised.

Round 1: The Beastmen descend upon the sackers of the Ironburg with great fury, dealing 5.5 BR of damage as their skilled beast riders suffer no penalty from fighting in the mountains. By contrast, the Men of Oraving struggle against the bestial onslaught, dealing only 1 BR of damage. Horses scream as they are pulled down by wolves, and the battle-boars of the orcs glut themselves upon the bodies of the wounded and dying. The Red Legion is broken, but the commander of the Cataphracts manages to keep sixteen of his riders together, and attempts to withdraw from the field with them and the Scepter of Vassuryn. However, a sudden charge of the boar-riders breaks them, and the remaining Cataphracts are routed, fleeing in all directions. The commander of the Cataphracts manages to flee with the Scepter, making it to the Citadel of the Eye of Law with the relic in hand.

Outcome: Victory for the Beastmen Hordes. Casualties: 60 Heavy Infantry killed, 60 Heavy Infantry captured and enslaved, 14 cataphracts killed, 31 cataphracts captured and enslaved, 60 slave infantry killed, 60 slave infantry wounded or scattered.

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